See What Your Will Can Do

It's More Than Just a Piece of Paper

A will is the most important document you can create. Though often seen as simply a legal document that only those trained to read it can understand, it is so much more.

Your will is your legacy. It dictates how you will be remembered and can be created to reflect your values. That’s why, no matter your age or wealth status, you should be sure to take time to craft this important document this year.

Use your will to:

  • Name a guardian for minor children and dependent adults.
  • Dictate how you want your assets to be distributed.
  • Ensure your pets are taken care of.
  • Reduce the administrative expenses of your estate.
  • Make sure your support for the organizations you love, like Northwestern, continues.

Already Have a Will?

Great! Make sure it is up to date. It’s a good idea to review your will regularly or when you experience a life event such as a marriage, birth, or move. This makes sure your will accomplishes what you want and takes your current state’s law into consideration.

Consider Including Northwestern in Your Will

Including a gift to Northwestern in your will is simple. All it takes is a sentence. Please contact Northwestern Gift Planning at or 800-826-6709 to learn more about this type of gift or for assistance getting started.